Have you been registered in the Netherlands?

This is a very important issue because it determines the type of a tax declaration form.

An incorrect answer will result in the tax return being rejected by Belastingdienst.

Registration at the address in the Netherlands.

Enter the exact date of your registration in the Netherlands. If you are still registered, check "box". In the event of check-out, please provide the date of check-out. If you do not know if you have been registered in the Netherlands, choose the help of a tax advisor at a later stage. Thanks to this, you will avoid the cancellation of the tax return by the office.

The period of registration directly affects the amount of the general tax allowance (algemene heffingskorting). Depending on this, a price package is offered. For people without a registration it is C Form, for people with a partial registration it is M-Form, for people who are registered all year round it is P-Form.


Prepare information about the start date of employment in the Netherlands. A health insurance policy can also be helpful.

If your income is less than approximately EUR 32,000, you are entitled to a Zorgtoeslag. We will automatically calculate your benefit.

Before that, you have to fill in all data from Jaaropgave in the step related to employment data.

Aangifte24.com packages

Choose additional options in the package. We recommend choosing the support of a tax advisor.

The basic price depends on your registration in the Netherlands. The price depends on the type of a tax form: C, M or P. You cannot deselect the basic package

The application for a Zorgtoeslag and the support of a tax advisor are extra paid options. Choose additional packages now.

What is Jaaropgave?

Jaaropgave is the annual tax card that you received from your employer for the tax year.

Enter the date of birth of the youngest child. The child may not be older than 12 yo and relates to the tax year in progress. Remember that you must also live with your child for a minimum 6 months a year. The child can also live outside the Netherlands and does not need to have a BSN.

Has there been any income outside the Netherlands? (e.g. from Poland, Germany etc.)

Foreign income should be understood as:
- pensions, unemployment benefits, sickness benefits, dividends, etc.

Our tax advisor will help you with formal issues and will also verify the applications before sending them. Write to hello@aangifte24.com if you are interested in supporting.

Od kiedy wnioskujesz o wypłatę dofinansowania do ubezpieczenia (zorgtoeslag)?

You can check the exact start date of the insurance on the Dutch insurance policy. If in doubt, we recommend purchasing a package with a tax advisor who will verify the dates and the right to receive the benefit.

Enter the date of birth of the youngest child.

The child may not be older than 12 yo and relates to the tax year in progress. We will calculate whether you are entitled to additional tax relief. Please note that your child does not need a BSN number and may live outside the Netherlands.

Select the type of UWV benefit:

Ziektewetuitkering in case you were receiving sickness benefit.

WW uitkering in case you received unemployment benefit.

Enter the amount of income earned "Loon", this is the highest amount on jaaropgaave.

In the case of jaaropgave with UWV, the withholding tax is marked as ingehouden loonheffing.

The date when the benefit started

The date when the benefit is finished

Enter the exact period when you received the benefit.

The exact date is important for the correct preparation of the tax declaration.

The amount of foreign income is shown in your annual declaration in your country of residence. This amount is also shown in the income statement from the tax office. If you are not sure about the amount of income, choose a package with a tax advisor, because you can potentially lose up to EUR 530 in tax refund by giving the wrong value. Remember that if you meet the 90% condition, you will be required to send the original income statement to the Netherlands. You can download this form after sending the declaration via aangifte24.com.

Select the currency of your income outside the Netherlands.

Enter the amount of income earned outside the Netherlands, rounding to one. Include all income outside the Netherlands.

Example: 2346.28 - enter 2346, in the case of 2346.67 - enter 2347

Enter the BSN number (formerly SoFi). You will find this number on a jaaropgaave, salaris or Dutch health insurance card. The BSN consists of 9 digits.

You are entitled to a health insurance supplement, the so-called Zorgtoeslag. It is even EUR 1,200 a year. Enter your employment start date and we will calculate the extra money for you and apply for it at Belastigndienst. If you have already Zorgtoeslag for a given year, skip this step and continue. See more about zorgtoeslag here: https://aangifte24.com/. If you don't know whether you are entitled, choose the help of our tax advisor.

In the "Loon" item, enter your income, this is the highest in Jaaropgave

In the item "Ingehouden Loonheffing" sometimes also "Ingehouden Loonbelasting" enter the advance tax from the Jaaropgave card

Enter the employee deduction from the Jaaropgave card under "Arbeidskorting"

Attach a photo or scan of the Jaaropgave card. The supported format is PDF or JPEG and the maximum size is 4MB.

Income exempt from social insurance applies only to people who were employed by an employer from another EU country, and social insurance (eg ZUS) was paid in the country of the employer's headquarters. The A1 form is issued as a confirmation.

Enter the exact period of employment. This is important due to the proportional conversion of the general tax relief (algemene heffingskorting). In case of an incorrect period of employment, Belastingdienst may make a conversion and order the reimbursement of the undue amount. If you do not know the exact period of employment, provide an approximate value in accordance with the facts.

Enter the date of birth of the youngest child. The child may not be older than 12 yo and relates to the tax year in progress. Remember that you must also live with your child for a minimum 6 months a year. The child can also live outside the Netherlands and does not need to have a BSN.

An IBAN number is the international format for a bank account number that begins with letters. For Poland PL, for Germany DE, for the Netherlands NL etc. Then the correct account number for Poland is 26 digits. Remember that entering your account number in your electronic return is not enough. If you are billing for the first time, you must register your Belastigndienst account in writing. Find out more https://aangifte24.com/

The SWIFT (or BIC) code is an 8-character string of letters and numbers that identifies the institution / bank to which the transfer is addressed.

If you are employed in the Netherlands by a Dutch employer, you are covered by Dutch social insurance. You can only be exempt from insurance if you have an A1 form and are posted by a foreign employment establishment. Find out more: https://aangifte24.com/

Meeting the 90% condition, you are required to send the original certificate of income from your country of tax residence. You can download a form of such a certificate on our website https://aangifte24.com/. You will send the stamped original to the Netherlands after the declaration is sent electronically through our system

Accounting with a fiscal partner is possible only if your partner has a BSN number in the Netherlands. It is not possible to file a joint tax return without this number. In addition, you shall meet the conditions of a fiscal partnership, i.e. the relationship has to be legalized and you have to document it with a marriage certificate and you have to be registered together with your partner in a given tax year.

Enter the bank account you want the tax refund and zorgtoeslag for. Remember! If you account for the first time or want to change your withdrawal account at the office, you are required to send a written application via traditional mail with attachments. After sending the declaration in Aangifte24, you will be able to download such a ready application in the panel along with the instructions on how to proceed.

Enter the mailing address you want to receive letters to from the Belastgindienst office. Remember! If you account for the first time or want to change your correspondence address at the office, you are required to send a written application via traditional mail with attachments. After sending the declaration in Aangifte24, you will be able to download such a ready application in the panel along with the instructions on how to proceed.

If you were a seafarer or worked on a ship under double tax treaties, you can apply for for exemption from paying tax in the territory of the Netherlands. We will contact you and present you a special offer regarding such tax return.

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